A very mysterious empty and dark area of the universe!
Although there are billions of stars, nebulae, galaxies, local cluster groups and other cosmic objects in the mysterious universe, there are also numerous vast void areas. This region is usually very cold and dark.

Although some number of galaxies are found in this void or empty region, it is actually so insignificant that this void or empty region can be called a very mysterious cold, dark and vast void.
Scientists believe that the visible or invisible void area or empty region in the universe can generally be 30 million to 300 million light-years wide. However, thanks to high-tech telescopes, they have already detected the Void Area, an empty region of much larger size than is visible from Earth.
The mystery of why these void areas exist in the universe as such voids or voids or what exactly is inside remains unknown to space scientists even today. Although they have continued to research and observe it closely, its true secret has not been revealed yet.
In the 1980s, scientists using telescopes discovered a huge supervoid area 700 million light-years away from Earth. They named it 'Boots Void'. However, there are much larger void areas in the universe.
Spanning over 330 million light-years across, the 'Boots Void' area is considered one of the largest voids in the universe visible from Earth. The supervoid area was originally discovered in 1981 by Robert Kirchner as part of a survey of galactic redshift.
The empty region called the 'Boots Void' extends over 330 million light-years around the Virgo Local Super-cluster, the largest local super-cluster (consisting of 47,000 galaxies) of the Laniakia super-cluster. However, it appears that the size or extent of the supervoid called 'Eridanus Void' is approximately 1.8 billion light-years away.