
The world's best science cities, according to the Natur...

On November 21, the journal Nature Index published a list of the world's 200 sci...

Chronic Wasting Disease: A Growing Threat to Deer and W...

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal, neurodegenerative disorder that affect...

Resurrection of the Woolly Mammoth: New Possibilities i...

The effort to bring the woolly mammoth back to life is a monumental step in the ...

When will we be aware of the preservation of the natura...

About 25 years ago in rural areas, thousands of weevils could be seen in bushes,...

The Impact of a Volcanic Eruption on Global Climate

Volcanic eruptions are among the most powerful natural phenomena on Earth, capab...

Discovery of Human DNA in Lions' Teeth Unveils a Grim H...

The discovery of human DNA in the teeth of the infamous Tsavo man-eating lions, ...

Sahara desert is turning green

The Sahara desert is one of the driest places on earth. Green plants have been f...

Global temperature is increasing at an alarming rate!

The US space research agency NASA has recently analyzed the temperature data of ...

How soil microbes are losing the battle against crop di...

Just as there are helpful microbes inside our bodies, there are countless microb...

The color of sea water is gradually changing

The color of the sea is changing in the last 20 years.

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