When will we be aware of the preservation of the natural environment!
About 25 years ago in rural areas, thousands of weevils could be seen in bushes, ponds and around houses at night. They lit up and created a beautiful atmosphere. But now I don't know why we don't see any more weevils. But now it is seen in very few numbers.

In fact, they are currently having various impacts on their natural environment and lifestyle. We humans are destroying their shelters indiscriminately. Weevils usually prefer to live in swampy, wooded or wooded and moist areas. In addition to pesticides and light pollution, their habitats have been destroyed by deforestation, agricultural land use and increased land use for new settlements.
As a result, weevils are losing their safe environment. It can be said that the colorful butterflies and grasshoppers are not the same in the countryside. Many animals, plants and insects are disappearing from the environment only due to the indiscriminate destruction of vegetation and natural environment by humans, the use of pesticides in land or shell environment and light pollution.
Earlier in the village there were wild animals that looked like cats (slightly larger in size) along with Guisap at various places. Which we used to call 'Gaura' in village parlance. But the sad fact is that these animals are no longer seen. Moreover, in the past we did not hesitate to do terrible things like destruction of natural forests in the name of social forestry.
Moreover, due to severe food crisis in the environment, destruction of forest areas and lack of safe shelter, today our national bird Doel and small nimble bird Tuntuni are disappearing from the environment. Hundreds of species of harmless animals and plants, including nature's friend Doyle and Toontooni birds, have become extinct today, especially due to habitat destruction and predation as well as hunting by predators.
However, no matter how much we are always on social media to protect them, in reality, 5% of them are not noticed. In the face of our extreme indifference or violence, these animals and plants of nature have gone to extinction. Although there are many laws in the country for the protection of wildlife, its implementation and use in practice is not very visible. As a result, we now have to face natural calamities like global warming, heavy rains, wildfires and cyclones.