The 7th Bangladesh Robotics Olympiad 2024 is going to be held in the country!
Bangladesh Robot Olympiad 2024 is going to be held for the seventh time in the country despite many obstacles and limitations.

Students born between 2006 and 2017 can participate in Science and Technology based Robot Olympiad. However, if you want to participate in this competition, students have to register online first. Which can be expected to play an important role in making the students of our country skilled and interested in robotics engineering in the future.
In fact, this kind of beautiful and creative arrangement can play a very important role in making young students interested in robotics engineering in our country. In general, the light of science and technology should be spread all over the country. To move smoothly towards sustainable economic and technological development, we must first ensure that students grow up with a keen interest in science and technology.
The students of our country have already brought honor to the country by fluently participating in Maths, Physics and Robotics Olympiad held at the global level since last one decade. Talented students and technicians with indomitable morale have been created in the country. However, I think it is a very limited achievement compared to our country's own technical capabilities or needs.
And although it is disappointing, the truth is that in reality, we could not move forward in the way of innovation, research and development of new technologies in our country. Moreover, due to the flawed education system, it is difficult to find any precedent that the production of any technology that is actually usable and very important has been started in the industrial institutes from the science and technology-based higher education institutions of our country. However, it is true that there are some exceptions in our country.
But to face the global challenges and join the fourth industrial revolution, countries like China, India, Singapore, South Korea and Japan are moving forward to apply innovative ideas and acquire new technologies very smoothly. But we also have to go a long way in researching, designing and creating systems of innovative ideas and new technologies that can be used in practice.
Moreover, in the technological development of our country's educational institutions, we can try to follow, formulate and implement as much as possible the existing science and technology-based education system, methods and models in populous countries like China, Turkey and Iran. Maybe in the next decade we too will be able to compete with the developed world on a limited scale with our own dedicated technology. Whereas a country like China has gradually become a global economic superpower and technology hub today by formulating and implementing a real-life technical education system in the fifties and sixties from scratch.
Moreover, even though artificial intelligence (AI) technology is widely discussed all over the world, in reality, we are playing a silent role in this regard. Whereas in many countries of the world, the invention of artificial intelligence (AI) of its own technology and its successful application or use in various fields have started. There, we are overly dependent on the East and the West for obtaining and using technology.
In this case, only getting certificates, medals and honors cannot be the main thing here. It is true that Bangladesh has already achieved a revolutionary success in research and development in the world-class medicine, agriculture and fisheries sectors. It is definitely a positive and a matter of pride for our country. However, its continuity is not seen in any other sector, especially robotics engineering, AI technology, space science, semiconductor, automobiles and aviation sectors. And we must get out of this depressing situation by any means.
Author : Sherazur Rahman, Assistant Teacher and Writer, Singra, Natore, Bangladesh.