Sputnik-1 satellite is the first object sent to space!
On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union successfully sent the Sputnik-1 satellite into low Earth orbit, marking the first time humans ventured beyond our planet. Actually, the first object launched into space represents a pivotal moment in history.

This event sparked a new era of competition among the world's superpowers to explore and assert dominance in space. The United States quickly joined this race, launching the Explorer-1 satellite into low Earth orbit on January 31, 1958.
Weighing only 83.6 kg, Sputnik-1 was launched into the atmosphere by an R-7 heavy rocket, reaching an altitude of 215 km above the Earth's surface. In just 22 days, it completed 1,440 orbits around the Earth, setting an impressive record.
However, communication with Sputnik-1 was lost on October 26, 1957, and it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere on January 4, 1958, where it was ultimately destroyed. Despite its technological advancement, Sputnik-1 is recognized as the first artificial object to be sent into space.
As of 2022, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) reported that there are 8,261 active satellites orbiting the Earth. From 1957 to 2022, a total of 12,293 satellites and other objects have been launched into space.
Sherazur Rahman