If an astronaut dies in space, what happens to his body? What is returned at all?
Astronauts In Space: Many astronauts have lost their lives in space so far. But have you ever wondered what happens to an astronaut's body when he dies on the moon, mars or somewhere in space? Let's find out.

Sending humans into space has never been an easy task. Almost 50 years ago, NASA sent men to the moon. Then again now there are plans to send a human mission to the moon. After years of hard work, China has sent its astronauts to its own built space station. Passengers from Soviet Union, ESA etc. have also gone into space. Many astronauts have lost their lives in space so far. But have you ever wondered what happens to an astronaut's body when he dies on the moon, mars or somewhere in space?
According to The Conversation report, 20 astronauts have lost their lives in space missions that began 60 years ago. Of these, 14 astronauts died in NASA space shuttle tragedies between 1986 and 2003. Three astronauts died during the Soyuz 11 mission in 1971. Three more died in 1967 when the Apollo 1 launch pad caught fire.
Since then the question has been asked what happens to an astronaut's body if he dies on the way to space or if someone suddenly dies in the space station? According to reports, the rules for this have already been fixed. In this, if someone dies while in space, his body will be brought down to the lowest orbit of the earth and placed in a capsule and brought back to earth within a few hours. But it is still in the planning. However, it may take several days for the crew to return to Earth.
Anwesa Biswas