The fastest object of the universe!
Astronomers have conducted thorough investigations into the idea that our solar system travels around the Milky Way Galaxy at a velocity of approximately 720,000 kilometers per hour. Nevertheless, there are particular enigmatic star systems in the cosmos that travel at an even greater velocity. One star system within our galaxy is traveling at an incredible velocity of approximately 8.2 million kilometers per hour.

This specific star system is traveling at a speed around 11 times greater than our solar system. In the realm of cosmology, these stars traveling at remarkable speeds are referred to as hypervelocity star systems. Up to this point, researchers have discovered 20 stars of this kind within the Milky Way galaxy.
In reality, as a binary star system approaches a supermassive black hole in the nucleus of a galaxy, the strong gravitational pull of the black hole attracts one of the stars from the binary pair towards its core. This event causes the second star in the binary system to be ejected from the black hole with great velocity.
Therefore, this star transforms into a hypervelocity star, moving at incredible velocities on its own path. A famous star in our galaxy is S5-HVS1, which was found by researchers in 2019. This star has been discovered to reach velocities of approximately 1,750 kilometers per second or greater.
Scientists think that the S5-HVS1 system may be the fastest star or cosmic object in the universe. Astronaut Jack Hills predicted the presence of the star in 1988, and it was verified in 2005.
However, researchers have forecasted that the nearest hypervelocity star to our solar system can be found approximately 19 kiloparsecs away. A kiloparsec is equivalent to around 30 trillion kilometers, or 3.17 light years.
Sherazur Rahman