Japan's new generation in the crisis of social and family responsibility and values!

Today, Japan has come a long way in advanced education and technological development among the rest of the world. Many people say that although we are currently living in 2024, Japan is living in the era of 2050 using their technological development and capabilities. Moreover, this nation has already gained a reputation all over the world for its cleanliness and humanity. But regardless of what is promoted in the media, Japan's social, family, moral and human values ​​are bound to be questioned by the extreme apathy of the new generation.

Nov 11, 2024 - 00:17
Japan's new generation in the crisis of social and family responsibility and values!
Japan's new generation in the crisis of social and family responsibility and values!

In fact, as an advanced and technologically rich nation on social media, no matter how many stories are told about the Japanese's own technology, space elevator in space or spaceship on Mars, in reality, negative trends in important issues such as social degradation, irreligion and family relations among their new generation have not escaped the attention of the world.  Although Japan has come a long way in the development and research of new technologies, unfortunately, a record number of people worldwide commit suicide every year.  The number of which can be incredibly more than 21 thousand according to the calculation of last year 2023.

South Korean and Japanese citizens have the highest suicide and death rates in the world due to social discrimination, depression and especially overwork.  In addition, over 500 students committed suicide in Japan last year due to excessive study pressure or discrimination or mental abuse by seniors in the country's educational institutions.  And many of them were 16 years old or below.  Which is not expected from Japan as a developed, technologically rich and 100% educated nation.

According to information provided by several Japanese news agencies, the total number of recorded suicides in Japan in 2023 was 21,837.  Which is an increase of 1.5% compared to last year.  For which the country's economic and employment problems are being blamed.  Meanwhile, the Japanese government's current 2024 white paper on suicide prevention states that in 2023, a total of 513 students and children committed suicide at the country's school level due to excessive study pressure and mental torture.

Apart from that, it is a disappointing fact that till the month of August 2024, about 40,000 old men and women have died while staying alone at home.  After about a few months, the locals or the police realize that they are dead.  Meanwhile, even though their family members live in big cities, they do not have time to regularly look after the helpless elderly people of their families living in rural or underprivileged areas.  And this is the real picture of advanced social and family development in Japan.

Meanwhile, the current generation of Japan has introduced a strange trend in marriage and family relationships.  And that is separation marriage or weekly marriage or friendship marriage.  In case of this separation marriage, both the husband and wife spend the whole week on their own, but a special day is allotted for the partner.  Days when they spend intimate time together, go for walks or go out on dinner dates or spend the night together.  There will be no family ties and no social responsibility.

And although men and women of the current generation of Japan are legally married, they make an agreement before marriage that no one will interfere in anyone's work or personal affairs.  They don't even stay together for a whole week and meet together on a specific day.  A large part of the current generation in Japan feels extremely reluctant to have and raise children.  And because of such strange and anti-social customs, Japan's population is currently declining at an alarming rate.

Moreover, before the start of the Second World War, that is, from 1937 to 1945, Japan has created a shameful history by killing about 2.5 million ordinary and innocent people in the entire Asia Pacific region.  And Vietnam, the Philippines, Burma, South Korea and vast areas of China did not stop with the terrible military invasion and genocide for 8 years and destroyed hundreds of cities and towns.

Sources: Nippon, Japan Times, Statista, Nikkei Asia, Mainichi.jp.

Sherazur Rahman (সিরাজুর রহমান) শিক্ষক ও লেখক, বিনগ্রাম উত্তরপাড়া সরকারি প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়, সিংড়া, নাটোর, বাংলাদেশ।