The country with the world's top local rail network system!

Currently, railways occupy an important place in the transportation of goods and passengers by land. In particular, the United States has created a new precedent by building the world's largest railway network system. Railways are one of the means of transporting raw materials to the country's industries and factories. Moreover, the overall contribution of the railway sector to the country's GDP in 2020 was about $ 75.8 billion.

Dec 12, 2024 - 14:14
Dec 12, 2024 - 14:28
The country with the world's top local rail network system!
The country with the world's top local rail network system!

In fact, the length of the railways spread across the country of America is about 250,000 kilometers or more. Which has taken its place as the world's top and first local railway. About 80% of this vast rail network system in America is used to transport industrial products and minerals. 

This rail network system in America is operated by 538 railways of major railway companies such as Union Pacific Railroad and (BNSF) Railway. In addition, the national passenger rail network of the United States (Amtrak) connects 500 destinations with a length of about 35,000 kilometers across 46 states across the country. 

On the other hand, Red Giant China is in the second place in the world by building a huge railway network of about 155,000 kilometers. Currently, China has built the world's best digitalized and high-speed rail network. According to the data of December 30, 2023, China's high-speed rail (HSR) network is about 43,700 kilometers.

On its side, China's high-speed railway network has emerged as the world's longest and most widely used (HSR) network. Moreover, China's high-speed rail networking system occupies about 28.1% of the country's total rail networking. And in this regard, China is currently far ahead of America.

Meanwhile, according to information provided by multiple websites, the length of Russia's rail networking system, which is in third place in the world, is about 105,000 kilometers. However, according to information provided by the Insider Monkey website, the current total length of Russia's railways is about 85,494 kilometers. Moreover, no other country in the world has yet been able to build a railway network of 100,000 or more kilometers. 

However, Russia's Trans-Siberian Railway Network occupies the top spot as the single largest railway network in the world. Currently, Russia's Trans-Siberian Railway Network is about 9,289 kilometers long. Which starts from the western capital of Russia, Moscow, and ends in the eastern city of Vladivostok.

 References: Insider-Monkey, Wikipedia, Railway Technology.

Sherazur Rahman (সিরাজুর রহমান) শিক্ষক ও লেখক, বিনগ্রাম উত্তরপাড়া সরকারি প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়, সিংড়া, নাটোর, বাংলাদেশ।