Wi-Fi network signal Is cancer caused?

The idea originated in 2011, when 30 scientists published their ideas without any research. They talk about research to know the matter clearly. Several subsequent studies have shown that Wi-Fi network signals do not cause disease. But many still believe this idea.
According to a report by Healthline, the World Health Organization started a study on this topic in 2017. The study was originally conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IAAC) of the World Health Organization. Scientists reviewed data from 2.5 million mobile phone users to find potential long-term health risks from using wireless communication technology. After research in 2018, it is known that those who talk on mobile phones for a long time, their risk of developing brain tumors is not higher than those who use the phone for less time. The official website of the Government of Canada also states that Wi-Fi network signals are not hazardous to health. Computers and phones are connected to the Internet without a cable connection through radio signals. The electromagnetic energy of these signals is between 2 and 5 GHz. Microwave devices also use the same amplitude of waves. Wi-Fi networks contain non-ionizing radiation, which does not carry enough energy to damage human cells or DNA. And so Wi-Fi signal is not hazardous to human health.