Scientists researching the secret of water creation in the universe!
For complex life to exist anywhere among the billions of planets in the universe, the planet must first be in the habitable or green zone of its host star, as well as having large amounts of water in liquid form. In short, there is no chance for life to develop without water. Scientists have confirmed through long-term studies that the first life on our planet was created from ocean water.

Especially in the complex world, the first single-celled organisms were created in the seas and oceans. Again, the huge amount of water that came with the creation of the world is not the case at all. Rather, although the earth was created about 4.543 billion years ago, approximately 4 billion years ago, billions of asteroids and meteorites rich in water particles gradually formed a vast body of water on earth. And there, complex life may have begun to develop about 3 billion years ago or so.
Scientists have long researched that the complex development and origin of life early in the creation of our habitable Earth began to evolve around the Earth's oceans. Although it may have been a very tiny single-celled bacterium or something even smaller. However, scientists have yet found the oldest fossils of life dating back 3.5 billion years. However, the origin of highly developed dinosaurs on earth began only about 25 million years ago.
In general, the water we drink and use for various purposes today was definitely created approximately 3.5 billion to 3.8 billion years ago. Which has created vast seas and oceans on earth through millions of years of watery particle-rich meteorite fall, hundreds of years of rainfall and ongoing processes. In short, scientists identify meteorites as carrying water or aqueous particles to Earth, the only habitable planet in our solar system.
Many of us may think that only our earth has a large amount of water. But the matter is not like that at all. In fact, around 2007-08, space scientists with the help of powerful telescopes discovered a huge reservoir of water inside a quasar located in a super giant black hole in a very distant part of this vast and mysterious universe. About which there is a lot of controversy among scientists. They are still researching the matter closely.
A group of researchers from the California Institute of Technology led by American Matt Bradford (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) found a reservoir of water stored in the form of a large amount of water vapor while observing a quasar with a special feature known as APM 08279+5255 at a distance of 12.4 billion light years from our Earth. Scientists believe that the black hole at the center of this very bright quasar may be incredibly massive, approximately 20 billion times that of the Sun.
Moreover, according to scientists, the quasar named APM 08279+5255 is the largest reservoir of water stored in a single place in the universe. In addition, the amount of water vapor or water stored in this quasar, which is about 100,000 times larger than the Sun, could be at least 140 trillion times more water than the water in all the oceans of the Earth combined. Although the information that scientists are publishing about this mysterious place found with powerful telescopes is only an approximate theoretical idea or prediction.
Moreover, scientists have observed through intensive research and observation over the past half century that our well-known Milky Way Galaxy also has a large amount of water or water vapor. However, its total amount may be approximately 4,000 times less than that of this quasar. The main reason for this is that most of the water or aqueous particles in the Milky Way are dispersed in frozen ice blocks. From which space scientists believe that some of the billions of planets can create new complex life.
Source: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, Wikipedia.
Sherazur Rahman, teacher and writer, Singra, Natore, Bangladesh.