After how many days should the toothbrush be changed?
There are many people who buy a toothbrush and carry on for years. Many people do not even think of changing the toothbrush used for cleaning teeth twice until it is completely unusable. But remember that toothbrushes can damage teeth. So the toothbrush should be changed after a certain period of time. In a Healthline report, dentists talk about when to change toothbrushes.

Right time to change toothbrush: According to dentists, it is not enough to just brush your teeth twice a day. Also, check whether the toothbrush is good. Worn or not, toothbrushes should be changed every three to four months. Because, during this period, bacteria start to grow in the toothbrush. Which is not easily cleaned even after washing.
If you don't replace the toothbrush or electronic toothbrush head when needed, it can affect your dental health. Which can later spread the infection.
Health Risks of Not Changing Toothbrushes: Every time you use your toothbrush, the nylon bristles are exposed to water and chemicals from your toothpaste. This weakens the bristles a bit with each use. The bristles bend and twist into a new shape, known as 'bristle flaring'.
According to a 2013 study, after using a toothbrush for 40 consecutive days, bristle flaring occurs, resulting in less clean teeth. Study participants who did not change toothbrushes after 40 days of use also had fewer dental problems.
Worn toothbrushes can cause various ailments. Because, it contains various bacteria, which can later cause various diseases. So when you see toothbrush bristles flaring, beware. Also, another major sign of replacing a toothbrush is the loss of the bristles. Doctors say that the brush should be replaced as soon as it begins to wear out. Again, even if you are sick for no reason, you should change your toothbrush. In order to prevent the attack of germs.